Предмет: Английский язык, автор: shulikanikita2

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The passenger next to me drove/flew me up the wall by talking loudly during the whole flight.
John made his holiday arrangements weeks in/on advance, to make sure that nothing would go wrong at the last minute.
There was such thick smog/erosion over Paris, that we could barely see anything from the top of the Eiffel Tower.
The hotel provided us with a(n) unspoilt/varied choice of breakfast items.
I've ordered my train tickets through the Internet, and they will fetch/deliver them to my office in the next five days.
Before Adam visits a curious/foreign country, he makes sure he has learnt some phrases the local language.
A team of scientists is on an excursion/ expedition in Antarctica to study the climatic conditions there.
Ben rushed out of the office and boarded/caught a taxi to the train station.
Sally has always dreamed of going on a voyage/journey across the Pacific Ocean aboard a luxurious ship.
When you arrive/reach the airport, someone where the airport bus leaves from.


Автор ответа: bizon40
11 drove 16 in 12 smog 17 varied 13 deliver 18 foreign 14 expedition 19 caught 15 voyage 20 reach
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Предмет: Русский язык, автор: Diana098123