Вставте артикль,где необходимо.
1)Last week i met my ______ friend.
2)This is___pencil.____pencil is red.
3)Will you have____cup of__tea?
4) Usually i get up at ____ 7 o'clock in___ the morning.
Задание 2
Поставте существительное во множественое число
1.a place,a library,a photo,a mouse, a laby, a child,a day, a pen
Задание 3
Вставте some,any, no и их производные.
1) There is ___ butter in the frige,but there isn't ____milk
2)Are there___eggs?-There aren't____eggs left.
3)Give me___tea, please!!!!
4)There is ___ham on the plate.
Задание 4
Вставте much,many, (a) little, (a) few.
1) There is ____salad left in this bowl
2) Walk quicker, please. We have very____time.
3)Have you got_____ink in your pen?
4) After the play everybody felt____tired.
Помогите пожалуста
1)Last week i met my ______ friend.
2)This is_a__pencil.__A__pencil is red.
3)Will you have_a___cup of__tea?
4) Usually i get up at ____ 7 o'clock in___ the morning.
1. places,libraries, photos,mice, labies, children,days, pens
Задание 3
Вставте some,any, no и их производные.
1) There is __some_ butter in the frige,but there isn't _any___milk
2)Are there__any_eggs?-There aren't__any__eggs left.
3)Give me_some__tea, please!!!!
4)There is _some__ham on the plate.
Задание 4
Вставте much,many, (a) little, (a) few.
1) There is _much___salad left in this bowl
2) Walk quicker, please. We have very_little___time.
3)Have you got__much___ink in your pen?
4) After the play everybody felt__much__tired.