Предмет: Английский язык,
автор: densb1
Переведите на английский язык! Заранее спасибо! Дэнни Трехо
Дэн «Дэнни» Трехо родился 16 мая 1944 в Лос-Анджелес — американский актёр, известный в основном по многочисленным ролям отрицательных персонажей мексиканского или индейского происхождения.
Получил широкую известность благодаря фильмам Роберта Родригеса «От заката до рассвета» (1, 2, 3), «Дети шпионов» (1, 2, 3, 4), «Мачете» (1, 2) и «Хищники».
Дэнни Трехо родился в семье американцев мексиканского происхождения в Лос-Анджелесе. Его отец, Дан Трехо, был строителем.
Трехо приходится троюродным братом известному американскому кинорежиссёру Роберту Родригесу, хотя это выяснилось только на съемках фильма «Отчаянный». После этого Роберт неоднократно снимал кузена в своих фильмах. Однако его карьерные планы были разрушены длительным тюремным заключением. 11 лет он провел в Холмсбургской тюрьме за грабёж. В настоящее время Дэнни говорит, что, играя преступников, старается показать молодёжи, что этот путь быстро заканчивается в тюрьме или на кладбище. Творческая карьера
После освобождения Дэнни вошёл в творческую группу по съёмке фильма «Поезд-беглец». Эдвард Банкер, сам бывший заключённый, пригласил Трехо в качестве тренера по боксу для Эрика Робертса. Наблюдая за работой Дэнни, режиссёр Андрей Кончаловский предложил ему роль в фильме.
После этого у Трехо началась блистательная карьера в кинематографе. Он играет преимущественно роли гангстеров и злодеев. Сыграл около двухсот ролей в фильмах и сериалах.
Снимался в восьмом сезоне сериала «Секретные материалы». Также снялся в эпизодической роли в телесериале «Отчаянные домохозяйки».
В 1996 году Трехо снялся в клипе группы Sepultura Attitude. В 2000 году снялся в эпизодичной роли в культовом сериале «Крутой Уокер: правосудие по-техасски» вместе с Чаком Норрисом, где его герой так же осуждал образ жизни молодых гангстеров.
Сыграл роль в сериале «Во все тяжкие», появившись в образе мексиканского стукача.
Сыграл в шестом сезоне сериала «Кости», в эпизодической роли священника. Состоял в банде MS-13.
В 2008 году снялся в клипе американского рэпера Tech N9ne под названием Like Yeah. В 2011 году снялся в клипе американской сатерн-рок группы Maylene And The Sons of Disaster на трек под названием Open Your Eyes. В 2012 снялся в клипе Yelawolf — Whistle Dixie.
В 2001 году в фильме "Парень из пузыря" Трехо сыграл первую положительную роль в своей карьере.
Автор ответа:
Dan "Danny" Trejo was born May 16, 1944 in Los Angeles - American actor known mainly for numerous roles of negative characters of Mexican or Indian descent.Has been gaining popularity thanks to Robert Rodriguez film "From Dusk Till Dawn" (1, 2, 3), "Spy Kids" (1, 2, 3, 4), "Machete" (1, 2), and "Predator."YouthDanny Trejo was born in a family of Mexican Americans in Los Angeles. His father, Dan Trejo, was a builder.Three parishes second cousin of the famous American film director Robert Rodriguez, but it turned out only in the film "Desperado." After that, Robert repeatedly shot his cousin in his films. However, his career plans were destroyed long imprisonment. 11 years he spent in prison for robbery Holmsburgskoy. Currently, Danny says that playing the criminals trying to show young people that this road quickly ends up in jail or in the cemetery. His careerAfter his release, Danny joined the creative team to shoot the film "Runaway Train." Edward Bunker, himself a former prisoner, invited three as a boxing trainer for Eric Roberts. Watching the work of Danny, director Andrei Konchalovsky offered him a role in the film.After that, the three principles brilliant career in cinema. He plays mainly the role of gangsters and villains. Played about two hundred roles in films and serials.Filmed in the eighth season of "The X-Files." Also appeared in a cameo role in the television series "Desperate Housewives."In 1996, Trejo starred in the video group Sepultura Attitude. In 2000 he starred in the episodic role in the cult TV series "Walker, Texas Ranger" with Chuck Norris, where his character just condemned lifestyle of young gangsters.Played a role in the TV series "Breaking Bad", appearing in the form of Mexican informer.Played in the sixth season of "Bones", in a cameo role of the priest. Was in the gang MS-13.In 2008, starred in the movie American rapper Tech N9ne called Like Yeah. In 2011, starred in the video of the American Southern rock band Maylene And The Sons of Disaster on a track called Open Your Eyes. In 2012 starred in the video Yelawolf - Whistle Dixie.In the 2001 movie "Bubble Boy" Trejo played a positive role in the first of his career.
Received wide acclaim in films by Robert Rodriguez 'From Dusk Till Dawn "(1, 2, 3)," Spy Kids "(1, 2, 3, 4)," Machete "(1, 2) and" Predators. "
Danny Trejo was born in a family of Mexican-Americans in Los Angeles. His father, Daniel Trejo, was a builder.
Three parishes second cousin of the famous American film director Robert Rodriguez, th
Автор ответа:
Dan "Danny" Trejo was born May 16, 1944 in Los Angeles - American actor known mainly for numerous roles of negative characters of Mexican or Indian descent.Has been gaining popularity thanks to Robert Rodriguez film "From Dusk Till Dawn" (1, 2, 3), "Spy Kids" (1, 2, 3, 4), "Machete" (1, 2), and "Predator."YouthDanny Trejo was born in a family of Mexican Americans in Los Angeles. His father, Dan Trejo, was a builder.Three parishes second cousin of the famous American film director Robert Rodriguez, but it turned out only in the film "Desperado." After that, Robert repeatedly shot his cousin in his films. However, his career plans were destroyed long imprisonment. 11 years he spent in prison for robbery Holmsburgskoy. Currently, Danny says that playing the criminals trying to show young people that this road quickly ends up in jail or in the cemetery. His careerAfter his release, Danny joined the creative team to shoot the film "Runaway Train." Edward Bunker, himself a former prisoner, invited three as a boxing trainer for Eric Roberts. Watching the work of Danny, director Andrei Konchalovsky offered him a role in the film.After that, the three principles brilliant career in cinema. He plays mainly the role of gangsters and villains. Played about two hundred roles in films and serials.Filmed in the eighth season of "The X-Files." Also appeared in a cameo role in the television series "Desperate Housewives."In 1996, Trejo starred in the video group Sepultura Attitude. In 2000 he starred in the episodic role in the cult TV series "Walker, Texas Ranger" with Chuck Norris, where his character just condemned lifestyle of young gangsters.Played a role in the TV series "Breaking Bad", appearing in the form of Mexican informer.Played in the sixth season of "Bones", in a cameo role of the priest. Was in the gang MS-13.In 2008, starred in the movie American rapper Tech N9ne called Like Yeah. In 2011, starred in the video of the American Southern rock band Maylene And The Sons of Disaster on a track called Open Your Eyes. In 2012 starred in the video Yelawolf - Whistle Dixie.In the 2001 movie "Bubble Boy" Trejo played a positive role in the first of his career.
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