Предмет: Английский язык, автор: roster23rambler

10 предложение на английском языке о том как я люблю погоду


Автор ответа: kolomasova11
There are four seasons in a year and each season brings its weather. For example, in summer it’s usually hot and sunny. We often go to the seaside at this time of the year. Autumn is rainy and windy. I like watching how colorful leaves fall down from trees and cover the ground. Winter in my region is rather cold. It snows a lot and the average temperature is about 10 degrees below zero. The first part of spring is still chilly. However starting from the middle of April it gets warmer. I like all seasons and all kinds of weather. I can find an interesting pastime at any weather condition. In summer I go swimming in the lake. In autumn I prefer spending time at home. I read books, do my homework, do some knitting and invite friends over. In winter I go skiing and sledding. In spring I often go for a walk in woods to pick flowers and listen to birds’ singing. However, my favourite weather is 25 or 30 degrees above zero. Most of all seasons I like summer. There are many reasons for that. Firstly, it’s the time of the longest holidays during the academic year. Starting from June I know that I have three months ahead to do whatever I like. Secondly, I’m really fond of swimming and sunbathing. Sometimes I go swimming with my friends in the nearest lake. At other times my parents and I go to the seaside. Apart from swimming, I play lots of outdoor games with my peers. We play volleyball, ping-pong, hide-and-seek, etc. Once a week I visit my grandparents, who live in the countryside. That’s an especially beautiful place. It’s always quiet and peaceful there. The air is also much cleaner than in the city. I have a couple of friends there, who are happy to see me. I usually stay for a couple of days to help my grandparents with their garden and to spend enough time playing, swimming and bicycle riding. In conclusion, I’d like to say that all weather conditions are good, but sun and heat are definitely the best for me
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