Предмет: История, автор: анюткабаркунова

При каком князе в состав Московского княжества вошли Рязанское княжество и Смоленск? 1)при Дмитрии Ивановиче
2) при Иване Калите
3) при Иване 3
4) при Василии 3


Автор ответа: Silеncе
При каком князе в состав Московского княжества вошли Рязанское княжество и Смоленск ?
4) при Василии III
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Помогите пожалуйста.Напишите пожалуйста 18 вопросов на английском к следующему тексту который дан ниже. Вопросы для 10 класса по России.Вопросы желательно на английском написать.

The waiter came hurrying up. Before I came downstairs I had prepared myself very carefully for what I must say. I had looked three times in my dictionary to make sure that " breakfast" really meant "breakfast." I had tried to get the right pronunciation and had stood in front of a mirror and twisted my mouth until it ached.
The waiter asked me something I could not understand, but I spoke only my one prepared word, "BREAKFAST." He looked at me in a puzzled way, so I repeated it. Still he did not understand. It was unbelievable that English people didn't understand their own language. The waiter shook his head, bowed and went away, but he came back in a minute and brought the manager with him. I was feeling slightly annoyed, but I said , " BREAKFAST." The manager smiled and washed his hands, but looked as helpless as the waiter, so I took out a pencil and wrote on the table napkin, "Breakfast." I have never seen such surprised faces in my life - so perhaps I did not pronounce it correctly after all. A little later the waiter brought a tray with tea, toast, butter and marmalade - enough to feed a small army - and went away. But I was hungry , and I left nothing; I am sure I drank at least two pints of tea, ate almost a loaf of toasted bread and large quantities of butter and marmalade with it. When the waiter came back I thought his face showed a little surprise, but you can never tell what a waiter's face really shows. In another minute he brought another tray with a huge portion of bacon and eggs. He must have misunderstood me, but I thought it was no use explaining to people who don't understand their own language, so I just set to work on the bacon and eggs and ate on steadily, wondering all the time whether I could possibly clear that plate or whether I should burst.