Мини-сочинение My favorit teacher 5-6 речень
In lyceum, where I`m studying, there are a lot of wonderful teachers and each of them is good in his or her own way, but I want to tell you about my History teacher. Marina Vladimirovna is a very versatile, understanding, sincere, kind and bright person. Every lesson she tells us a lot of interesting stories about the former governors of our and foreign countries. In addition, when we talk about the culture of any country. At her lessons you will never be bored, on the contrary every lesson she charges us with energy for the rest of the day. But as any good teacher, Marina Vladimirovna wants that we know history very well, so she is critical to us, aside from a school textbook, she advises us to read different books about history, and do unusual presentation and projects, of course, sometimes it is very difficult, but I think that when I finish school and pass exams, then I will be sincerely grateful to her for all she has done for us.
Hi, my name is Anastasia,from Ukraine.
As far as my opinion is concerned, teachers are the most
important part of our life,who are second form of Our
parents and also blessing of God.They teach how to face the
challenges in every step of life by thier endless support
and care.
As it is the human nature to likes some one most among
his/her favorites. My favorite teacher is Olga Ivanovna Lapina.She teach us GIS and Remote Sensing.Her
behaviors with all student is much polite and kind.
I like her very much because of he way of teaching and
politeness. I can shere my all worries with her without any
The most inportant thing of Olga Ivanovna which influenced me a lot is
her punctuality and sincerity towards his reponsiblity.
Well, it is hardlt enough to describe him,as the matter of
fact,he is one of the amaizing, perfact and Unforgetable
role model of my Life.