Предмет: Українська мова, автор: kseniya79

На основі відомих казок скласти розповідь "Снігове містечко".


Автор ответа: annaburyak777
     Казку про Снігове містечко пропоную скласти так:
     Одного чарівного зимового ранку маленький хлопчик Іванко разом з татусем пішов до лісу по ялинку до Різдва. Але несподівано почалась хурделиця і вони заблукали. Довго-довго йшли тато з сином лісом. Аж ось вони несподівано побачили чарівний замок з льоду. Вони одразу зрозуміли, що це замок Снігової королеви. Серце Іванка стиснулось від страху. Але батько його заспокоїв. Виявилось, що цей замок належав Святому Миколаю. Він радо зустрів своїх відвідувачів, зігрів та розповів про Снігове містечко. А потім Святий Миколай попросив своїх помічників провести гостей додому. Так Іванко за татусем у супроводі Вернидуба та Скорохода швидко дібралися своєї хати. Ця чарівна історія сталась як раз під Новий рік. Вдома їх чекала матуся та смачна вечеря.
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Раздел 2. Чтение.

Прочитайте текст о друзьях, написанный от лица Трейси. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений 1 – 7 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 - True), какие не соответствуют (2 - False) и о чем в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – Not stated).

What a weird kid Kelly is! I mean, she`s my best friend, and l really like her, but she`s very strange. It worries me sometimes. At school, the kids laugh at her. A lot of it is her own fault, but part of it isn’t. Mostly,the problem is that she`s too smart, and l know she can`t do anything about it. But there are other thing that she could do something about but she won`t- like the way she dresses. Take what she was wearing that day. Rubber rain boots –the kind my grandma calls galoshes. People wear rubber rain boots outdoors. Kelly hadn`t taken them off when she`d come up to my room. She had on a white sweatshirt with green letters on the back that said Namath No. 12. The shirt looked as if it was one hundred years old. And she never wears jeans like everybody else. Instead, she wears long wool skirts.

Her glasses are perfectly round. Everybody at school says she looks just like an owl. The week before, Angie, one of my friends, had told her she should get new glasses so she would look normal. Kelly had just looked at Angie and said, «Why?» As if she had no idea what Angie was talking about.

It`s not only her clothes and her glasses, though. It`s something else but it`s hard to explain. I`m not even sure l know what it is. My mother says she`s «innocent». I think she means by that Kelly is like a little kid-like a six-year-old, instead of twice that age. Anyway, Kelly`s still my best friend, but sometimes l wanted her to be more like the other kids.

I watched her for a minute. I had to do something. What? I turned around.

«Kelly! I`m bored. Let`s do something. »


«I don`t know. Think of something. Why do l always have to come up with the ideas? »

«Because that`s the way it is in a friendship», Kelly answered seriously.

« One is the leader, and the other is the follower . If two people are both leaders, or they are both followers, they probably wouldn`t be friends». She smiled at me. I smiled back.

«And you know what else? » Kelly said. « I`ve been thinking about you and Angie. There have to be some things alike about people for a friendship to work, but differences are important, too. That`s why you and Angie are friends this year. You are different».

« We are not different! We are a lot alike. That`s why we are friends!»

2. Kelly is different from her classmates.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

3. Kelly is the smartest girl at school.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

4. Tracy does not care what Kelly usually wears.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

5. Kelly does not care what she looks like.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

6. Kelly is twelve years old.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

7. Tracy’s mother likes Kelly.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

8. Kelly is the leader in her friendship with Tracy.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated