Предмет: Английский язык,
автор: gaga5115
СРОЧНО! нужен качественный перевод (без переводчика)
На Олимпиаде в Лондоне казахстанская сборная выиграла 13 медалей.28 июля. Первое золото нашей стране принес, велогонщик Александр Винокуров.
29 июля. Тяжелоатлетка Зульфия Чиншанло завоевывает второе золото! Казахстанская спортсменка установила новый мировой рекорд, подняв в толчке 131 килограмм!
31 июля. В копилку золотых медалей принесла тяжелоатлетка Майя Манеза.
3 августа. Победу принесла опять же тяжелоатлетка Светлана Подобедова
4 августа. Казахстанский тяжелоатлет Илья Ильин стал двукратным олимпийским чемпионом и мировым рекордсменом.
5 августа. Легкоатлетка Ольга Рыпакова завоевала в финале тройного прыжка золотую олимпийскую медаль, добавив в копилку сборной Казахстана шестое золото
6 августа. Первую бронзу для Казахстана в десятый день Олимпиады принес борец греко-римского стиля Даниял Гаджиев.
9 августа. Вторую бронзовую медаль принесла Казахстану спортсменка по боксу в весовой категории Марина Вольнова,
Третью бронзовую медаль для нашей сборной завоевала спортсменка по вольной борьбе Гузель Манюрова, которая 9 августа стала бронзовой чемпионкой Олимпийских игр в Лондоне
10 августа. Четвертую бронзовую медаль сборной Казахстана в четырнадцатый день Олимпиады принес боксер в весовой категории свыше 91 кг Иван Дычко.
12 августа. Пятую бронзовую медаль завоевал борец в вольном стилеАкжурек Танатаров.
Казахстанский боксер Серик Сапиев стал Олимпийским чемпионом в весе до 69 кг.
А также боксер Адильбек Ниязымбетов завоевал серебряную медаль.
Автор ответа:
The Kazakhstan national team won thirteen medals at the Olympics in London. The 28th of July. The first gold medal for our country was brought by the racing cyclist Alexandr Vinokurov.
The 29th of July. The weight-lifter Zulfiya Chinshanlo won the second gold medal! The Kazakhstan sportsman set the new world record, pushing 131 kilograms.
The 31st of July. One more gold medal was brought to the medal box by the weight-lifter Maya Maneza.
The 3rd of August. One more time the weight-lifter Svetlana Pobedova won a competition.
The 4th of August. The Kazakhstan weight-lifter Ilya Ilyin became a twice Olympic champion and a world recordsman.
The 5th of August. The athlete Olga Rypakova won a gold medal at the final stage of tripple jump competition, adding the sixth gold one to the medal box of Kazakhstan national team.
The 6th of August. The first bronze medal for Kazakhstan was brought by the Greco-Roman style wrestler Daniyal Gadjiev on the tenth day of the Olimpics.
The 9th of August. The boxer at weight category up to 75kg Marina Volnova won the second bronze medal for Kazakhstan.
The third bronze medal for our country was brought by the free-style wrestler Guzel Manurova, who became a bronze Olympic champion in London.
The 10th of August. The boxer at weight category over 91kg Ivan Dychko won the forth bronze medal for the Kazakhstan national team on the fourteenth day of the Olympics.
The 12th of August. The free-style wrestler Akzhurek Tanatarov won the fifth bronze medal.
The Kazakhstan boxer Serik Sapiev became an Olympic champion at weight category up to 69kg.
Also the boxer Adilbek Niyazymbetov won a silver medal.
The 29th of July. The weight-lifter Zulfiya Chinshanlo won the second gold medal! The Kazakhstan sportsman set the new world record, pushing 131 kilograms.
The 31st of July. One more gold medal was brought to the medal box by the weight-lifter Maya Maneza.
The 3rd of August. One more time the weight-lifter Svetlana Pobedova won a competition.
The 4th of August. The Kazakhstan weight-lifter Ilya Ilyin became a twice Olympic champion and a world recordsman.
The 5th of August. The athlete Olga Rypakova won a gold medal at the final stage of tripple jump competition, adding the sixth gold one to the medal box of Kazakhstan national team.
The 6th of August. The first bronze medal for Kazakhstan was brought by the Greco-Roman style wrestler Daniyal Gadjiev on the tenth day of the Olimpics.
The 9th of August. The boxer at weight category up to 75kg Marina Volnova won the second bronze medal for Kazakhstan.
The third bronze medal for our country was brought by the free-style wrestler Guzel Manurova, who became a bronze Olympic champion in London.
The 10th of August. The boxer at weight category over 91kg Ivan Dychko won the forth bronze medal for the Kazakhstan national team on the fourteenth day of the Olympics.
The 12th of August. The free-style wrestler Akzhurek Tanatarov won the fifth bronze medal.
The Kazakhstan boxer Serik Sapiev became an Olympic champion at weight category up to 69kg.
Also the boxer Adilbek Niyazymbetov won a silver medal.
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