Предмет: Английский язык,
автор: kefiirchik
Более чем на две тысячи километров протянулись Уральские горы. На севере они подходят к берегам Северного Ледовитого океана, южные отроги их теряются в знойных степях Казахстана. Нет в нашей стране другого хребта, равного по протяженности Уральским горам.
Слово "Урал" не русское. Это отмечали все исследователи, изучавшие данный термин. Одни из них считали, что оно пришло к нам от северного народа манси, другие склонны были искать его истоки в языке коми-пермяков, третьи высказывали мысль о возможном его марийском происхождении. Но большинство авторов считает слово "Урал" башкирским. В пользу этого мнения много доводов. Слово это уходит своими корнями в глубь башкирского народного эпоса. Известна старинная народная поэма о герое Урале-батыре (Урале-богатыре), легендарном защитнике башкирского народа.
Кроме того, в древних былинах и песнях Урал воспевается как священная родина башкир, надежная природная крепость, которая защищает их от врагов. Ни у какого другого народа, населяющего соседние территории, в народном эпосе нет сказаний об Урале.
В русском языке слово "Урал" появилось уже после присоединения Башкирии, находящейся на территории Южного Урала, к России.
До этого, за всю многовековую историю проникновения русских людей на Северный Урал, оно не было известно на Руси. По документам XVII - XVIII столетий можно заключить, что это название относилось в то время именно к горам Южного Урала, но никак не Северного.
Весь хребет стал называться Уралом позже. Впервые термин "Урал" (Аралтова гора) встречается в "Книге к Большому чертежу" 1627 года. Эта гора помечена на территории Башкирии. Современный хребет Уралтау находится там же.
В русских источниках XVII века употребляются такие написания слова, как Урал, Оурал и Аралтовы горы.
Часто можно услышать, что башкирское слово "Урал" переводится на русский язык как пояс. Действительно, горы долгое время назы- вали Каменным Поясом, но подобное толкование неверно. Пояс по-башкирски "кушак", или "билбау", а дословного перевода термина "Урал" не существует. Урал - это тюркское мужское имя. В упомянутой выше башкирской поэме легендарный батыр по имени Урал победил смерть, пожертвовав при этом своей жизнью. Над его могилой люди насыпали курган, который со временем вырос в Уральские горы, а останки Урала-батыра превратились в золото, серебро, железо.
Таким образом, древний башкирский народный эпос о батыре Урале дал имя горам. В научной литературе термин "Урал" впервые появился в книге историка и географа Г. Ф. Миллера "Описание Сибирского царства", которая была издана в Петербурге в 1750 году, и в конце XVIII века названия Урал и Уральские горы стали общеизвестными.
Автор ответа:
More than two thousand kilometers stretch Ural Mountains. In the north, they come to the shores of the Arctic Ocean, the southern spurs of them are lost in the burning steppes of Kazakhstan. No other country in our range, equal to the length of the Ural Mountains.The word "Ural" is not Russian. This is noted by all the researchers who have studied this term. Some of them believed that it came to us from the northern Mansi people, others were inclined to seek its origins in the language of the Permian Komis, and others have suggested its possible origin of Mari. But most authors consider the word "Ural" Bashkir. In favor of this opinion many reasons. The word is rooted in the depths of the Bashkir folk epic. Known poem about old folk hero Ural-batyr (Ural-hero), the legendary quarterback of the Bashkir people.
In addition, in the ancient epics and songs sung Urals as a sacred birthplace of the Bashkirs, rugged natural fortress, which protects them from enemies. No other people inhabiting the neighboring areas in the national epic tales about the Urals no.
In Russian, the word "Ural" appeared after the accession of Bashkiria, located in the Southern Urals, Russia.
Prior to that, for all the long history of penetration of the Russian people in the Northern Urals, it was not known in Russia. According to the documents XVII - XVIII centuries, it can be concluded that the name refers to the time it was to the mountains of the Southern Urals, but not the North.
The entire ridge was called Ural later. For the first time the term "Ural" (Araltova Mountain) is found in the "Book of the Big Drawing" in 1627. This mountain is marked in Bashkiria. Modern Ridge Uraltau is there.
In the XVII century Russian sources are used such spellings as the Urals, ASMA and Araltovy mountains.
You can often hear that the Bashkir word "Ural" is translated into Russian as a belt. Indeed, the mountains for a long time called Wali stone belt, but this interpretation is incorrect. Belt in Bashkir "girdle" or "Bilbao", and a literal translation of the term "Ural" does not exist. Urals - a Turkish man's name. In the above poem legendary Bashkir batyr named Ural conquered death, sacrificing his life. Over his tomb people barrow, which eventually grew up in the Ural Mountains, and the remains of the Ural-Batyr turned into gold, silver, and iron.
Thus, the ancient Bashkir folk epic of Ural Batyr gave its name to the mountains. In the scientific literature, the term "Ural" first appeared in the book historian and geographer GF Miller "Description of the Siberian kingdom", which was published in St. Petersburg in 1750, and at the end of the XVIII century the name of the Urals and the Ural mountains have become well-known.
In addition, in the ancient epics and songs sung Urals as a sacred birthplace of the Bashkirs, rugged natural fortress, which protects them from enemies. No other people inhabiting the neighboring areas in the national epic tales about the Urals no.
In Russian, the word "Ural" appeared after the accession of Bashkiria, located in the Southern Urals, Russia.
Prior to that, for all the long history of penetration of the Russian people in the Northern Urals, it was not known in Russia. According to the documents XVII - XVIII centuries, it can be concluded that the name refers to the time it was to the mountains of the Southern Urals, but not the North.
The entire ridge was called Ural later. For the first time the term "Ural" (Araltova Mountain) is found in the "Book of the Big Drawing" in 1627. This mountain is marked in Bashkiria. Modern Ridge Uraltau is there.
In the XVII century Russian sources are used such spellings as the Urals, ASMA and Araltovy mountains.
You can often hear that the Bashkir word "Ural" is translated into Russian as a belt. Indeed, the mountains for a long time called Wali stone belt, but this interpretation is incorrect. Belt in Bashkir "girdle" or "Bilbao", and a literal translation of the term "Ural" does not exist. Urals - a Turkish man's name. In the above poem legendary Bashkir batyr named Ural conquered death, sacrificing his life. Over his tomb people barrow, which eventually grew up in the Ural Mountains, and the remains of the Ural-Batyr turned into gold, silver, and iron.
Thus, the ancient Bashkir folk epic of Ural Batyr gave its name to the mountains. In the scientific literature, the term "Ural" first appeared in the book historian and geographer GF Miller "Description of the Siberian kingdom", which was published in St. Petersburg in 1750, and at the end of the XVIII century the name of the Urals and the Ural mountains have become well-known.
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