Предмет: Русский язык, автор: Руся989

Сделайте морфологический разбор слова: Окованные,плещущее,расцветших.


Автор ответа: antonliakhovskii
Сделаем морфологический разбор причастий:
ОКОВАННЫЕ - причастие
| двери (какие?) окованные - причастие
|| н.ф. оковать (окованный)
Постоянные признаки: страдат., прошедшее время, совершенный вид.
Непостоянные признаки: полная форма, мн. число, и.п. (стояли окованные двери)/в.п. (увидел окованные двери).
||| двери (какие?) окованные (определение, волнистой линией).

| море (какое?) плещущее - причастие
|| н.ф. плескать (плещущий)
Постоянные признаки: действительный залог, настоящее время, несовершенный вид.
Непостоянные признаки: полная форма, ед. число, средний род, и.п. (плещущее море разбушевалось)/в.п. (вижу плещущее море).
||| море (какое?) плещущее (определение, волнистой линией).

| цветов (каких?) расцветших - причастие
|| н.ф. расцвести (расцветший)
Постоянные признаки: действительный залог, прошедшее время, совершенный вид.
Непостоянные признаки: полная форма, мн. число, р.п. (стоял букет расцветших цветов).
||| цветов (каких?) расцветших (определение, волнистой линией).

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VII. Прочитайте текст. Определите, верны (True) или не верны (False) следующие утверждения.

1. "Having a sweet tooth" means having a weakness for sweets and chocolate.
2. "Chocoholics" are people who produce and sell chocolate.
3. Eating chocolate is called a sinful pleasure because it is not very good for health.
4. Chocolate makes us feel happier and helps us fight depression.
5. Positive effects from eating chocolate can last quite long.
6. Chocolate can provoke migraines but can protect us from thrombosis.
7. Dieticians say that chocolate has a low fat and sugar level.
8. Recent research shows that chocolate has both advantages and disadvantages.

VIII. Выполните письменный перевод абзацев 1, 4.


1. Most of us have a sweet tooth and a favourite form of confectionary is chocolate, which can come in the form of sweets, chocolate bars or cakes. The huge range of chocolate products on display in sweet shops and supermarkets shows us how popular chocolate is. Indeed, some of us are so fond of it that we become chocoholics.
2. We are regularly told that a diet containing too much sugar and too much fat is bad for us, and chocolate contains a great deal of both of these. Thus, we know very well that eating chocolate is a sinful pleasure.
3. Eating chocolate often makes us feel good. Even some health experts do not deny this, because chocolate has a biochemical effect on the part of the brain that is concerned with pleasure. If you are depressed, some chocolate can be a real tonic which cheers you up instantly. Unfortunately, this effect is temporary and you soon feel down again.
4. Nutritionists concentrate on the negative side effects of chocolate and point out that the combination of a high fat content and a high sugar content can be a cause of obesity. They also remind us that foods which are high in fat can lead to heart disease. Chocolate can also cause headaches in some people, and can be one of the main triggers of migraine.
5. After such bad news from dieticians, people who love eating chocolate will be relieved to hear that some doctors have now discovered some benefits in chocolate. Recent research shows that chocolate, like aspirin, can delay blood clotting, which makes it useful in preventing thrombosis. Chocolate, like fruit and vegetables, is also rich in flavonoids, which help to prevent heart attacks.
6. At last there is some good news for chocolate eaters! They can enjoy this delicious treat without feeling guilty, safe in the knowledge that it could improve their health.
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