Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Лирчик

Пожалуйста как правильно читается (по русски) НЕ ПЕРЕВОД
How about the Walkman stereo system; that includes a convenient head-jack that plugs directly into the skuil? The idea behind this invention, it seems, was to provide the listener with an opportunity to listen without disturb peace. However, over time, most Walkman users have lost most of their hearing and must turn the volume up to the highest possible dedbel. Thus, everyone within io meters is susceptible to the musical tastes of the soon-to-be-deaf adolescent. These gadgets should come with the government health w arning: “Can cause permanent hearing loss.” tod how about the latest sensation in technological breakthroughs which threatens to revolutionize the entire wared world? You know — the SMS message option thingamajig on mobile phones.


Автор ответа: Аноним
[хау] [эʹбаут] [зэ] Walkman [ʹстэриэу] [ʹсистим]; [зэт] includes [э,(эй)] [кэнʹви:ниэнт] [хэд]-[джэк] [зэт] plugs[МН.Ч.] directly [ʹинту:] [зэ] skuil? [зэ] [айʹдиэ] [биʹхайнд] [зис] [инʹвэнш(э)н], [ит] seems, [воз] [ту:] [прэʹвайд] [зэ] [ʹлис(э)нэ] [виз] [эн] [͵опэʹтью:нити] [ту:] [ʹлис(э)н] [виʹзаут] [дисʹтё:б] [пи:с]. [хауʹэвэ], [ʹэувэ] [тайм], [мэуст] Walkman users[МН.Ч.] [хэв] [лост] [мэуст] [ов] [зэа] [ʹхи(э)ринг] [энд] [маст] [тё:н] [зэ] [ʹволью:м] [ап] [ту:] [зэ] [ʹхайист] [ʹпосэб(э)л] dedbel. [сас], [ʹэвриван] [виʹзин] [ʹайэу] meters[МН.Ч.] [из] [сэʹсэптэб(э)л] [ту:] [зэ] [ʹмью:зик(э)л] tastes[МН.Ч.] [ов] [зэ] [су:н]-[ту:]-[би:]-[дэф] [͵эдэʹлэс(э)нт]. [зи:з] gadgets[МН.Ч.] [шуд] [кам] [виз] [зэ] [ʹгав(э)мэнт] [хэлс] [ʹдаб(э)лью:] arning: “[кэн] [ко:з] [ʹпё:мэнэнт] [ʹхи(э)ринг] [лос].” [тод] [хау] [эʹбаут] [зэ] [ʹлэйтист] [сэнʹсэйш(э)н] [ин] [͵тэкнэʹлоджик]breakthroughs[МН.Ч.] [вич] threatens [ту:] [͵рэвэʹлу:шэнайз] [зэ] [инʹтайэ] wared [вё:лд]? [ью:] [нэу] — [зэ] SMS[МН.Ч.] [ʹмэсидж] [ʹопш(э)н]thingamajig [он] [ʹмэубайл] phones.

kirdasan: Phones- фонес
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