Предмет: Биология, автор: m5c46

казка про фантастичну рослину яка бажала жити скрізь


Автор ответа: ksenya200595
ну,,,,незнаю наверно скроз да этоfrac{x}{y} 5454
Автор ответа: Аноним
Жила на світі фантастична рослина. Була вона гарна, квітуча та запашна. Сяяла вона цвітом гарним и була дуже блискуча. Але була ця рослина одна у полі і було їй дуже самотньо. І вирішила вона подорожувати світом, щоб знайти друзів. Вона хотіли жити скрізь. Занесло її до Африки де були могутні баобаби. Спробувала бути баобабом, але їй не сподобалось. Бо баобаби такі не гарні, велечезні, та брутальні. Прийла вона до України і бачить соняшників багато. Вирішила вона стати соняшником. У день коли ся
Автор ответа: vlasovyura
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Task 1. Read and complete: change, read, music, day, spent, play, school, activities, volleyball, favourite

My 1)________ life has been busy since I was involved in a variety of 2)_________ such as boxing, ice

skating, swimming, e.t.c. for many years I was trying to find myself in the different things. Now, in the

age of 17th I finally have found something that is really “mine” I mean, when you have a feeling that

something belongs to you or visa-versa. I have this awesome feeling when I 3)_________ volleyball. My

first try to play was in a grade 5. My PE. Coach has 4)_________ a lot of time with me you improve my

skills, may be it wasn’t so professional but I still liked it and was happy to come to the practice every

5)_______. Since that time and till today I play 6)_______ still developing my skills in my 7)________

game. The second thing that I have been doing was the fast reading. It’s a special technique when you

may 8)________ more than 7000 per minute. My course lasted for half in a year. I was tired to come to

the classroom and read for 3,5 hours every day, but I really like it and I’m proud of that I can may some

things that other people can’t. The third thing that I have been doing is playing drums. I also have been

playing the guitar for a couple of years, but drums made me rapt while I was playing. I like hard

9)_______ and that is the reason why I decided to start playing the drums. Moreover, when I was angry I

could just splash my anger on the drums. It kind of gave me the “emotional food”, so I felt better. These

are my favorite activities, that I would never 10)_________.

Good luck!

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