сочинение на английском мой любимый веб сайт
My favorite web-site is futurism.com. I'm very keen on science and its development, and I really enjoy reading articles on this page. It's obvious, that the world is changing, and we have to face all the challenges and cope with many problems, and this site gives hope that humanity can do it. This web-page contains amazing videos, and every day publishes new articles. You can find a lot of interesting information about transport, ecology, medicine, robots, future society, etc. All the predictions about future development of technologies and humanity are based on real scientific researches. Most of the articles are really inspiring. I find it useful to visit this web-site, it helps to form the image of future, and so I can think over what jobs would be most wanted and what career to choose. I'm enchanted by the future robots and transport, and what impresses me most is that all the predictions made by futurism.com seem to be real. The site also provides the overview of new scientific discoveries and breakthroughs, there is a special section called "This week in science", it's my favorite section. Also I enjoy reading the section "Earth and Energy" because it discusses topical issues of alternative clean and renewable energetics. I highly recommend this web-site, I'm sure that everyone would find something interesting and exciting on this web-site. Sometimes you face issues you could not even think about. Now I'm following all the news from Elon Musk's projects and admire the future he's building now.