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Koala - one of the most famous and favorite Australian animals. Him name as a bear, though a Koala are not connected to what type of bears.
In translation from language of the Australian natives "Koala" means "not drinking", as a Koala do not drink water. They eat leaves eucalyptus, the contained there liquid suffices to them.
The Koala weighs from four up to fifteen kgs and reaches eighty centimeters in length. Life expectancy - about 12 years.
The largest and most formidable of the big cat is a tiger. The tiger is one of the largest land predators, second only to white and brown bears. , Nine subspecies of tiger, of which the beginning of the XXI century, only six survived. The total number of tigers in the moment of the order of 4000-6500 individuals, of which the most numerous is the Bengal tiger. In the XX century, the tiger is included in the Red Book. Hunting for a banned worldwide.